Aug 19, 2023Liked by T.W. Abel

this was a mirror for my own self, thank you for sharing your process! i also get SAD during the summer time. intense heat and humidity push me indoors, and the depression from being separated from nature (or recognizing my inability to embrace every part of her) swirls around within me for months. needing the outdoors and craving the dirt and leaves, and yet feeling intense discomfort when among them is a wild, hazy, nauseating trip.

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yessss. I'm totally with you, Anita. What region are you in? We are in south florida. By the way, the profile pic with you and your baby is so beautiful I could weep! xoxo

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by T.W. Abel

i just moved from southwest texas to the michigan upper peninsula. pretty drastic change, with its own set of challenges and lessons, but the access to nature is beyond compare to any other region i have lived in before. this past summer in texas (and every other summer in texas) has been way more like dormancy, death, and “wintering” as you said. i have never been to florida, but it sounds simultaneously incredibly beautiful and like living inside of the mouth of a panting dog. my mother is from louisiana, and that is always how she describes the weather 🐊🦞

and thank you, that is so sweet!

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023Author

Hahahah yesss, what a great analogy. I’ve heard amazing things about the UP — how are you liking the summer weather there? I’m sure it’s heavenly 💗🦋

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I loved this share ♡ I also feel so transitory and murky this summer. I've been heavily examining my relationship with Instagram too and am about halfway through writing a deep dive essay on how it shaped my self perception and thought processes since first logging on when I was 15. (9 years for me!) It's so layered and weird and psy-op-y but also fascinating... to examine without being caught in the muck of it...which can be shifty. I love Substack more and more as I step away because there's also positives I've collected through my time on tumblr and IG which are being highlighted here on Substack without the ads and hypnotic fast-moving video that spins my brain out.

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Holly 🦋 Wow, 15 is so young, I can only imagine. I was 20 when I first got on the app and it defined the subsequent decade in many ways. Totally agree with you about expression of art and integrations here on substack... it comprises the good ol'days of blogging with a more updated twist (subscriptions!) to better serve our hyper aroused world. And yet, we will not be rushed. Glad you're here. x

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