I was avoiding this essay since birth is such a portal and I take in ideas around it very intentionally ... glad to have read it... lots of ideas resonated ... I do agree wholeheartedly maternal energy is accessible to embody within every woman regardless and feel ick about the gatekeeping around it online. I resonate with the idea that we need more of that true maternal energy in the world, not just the physical act of bearing children but truly taking in life in the deepest ways, meeting life in its depths and then bringing that medicine into the world to touch and transmute... many portals can lead us there, just recently I experienced intense congestion/shortness of breath/fever experience and it was as transformative as birth for me, if not, dare I say, more so, simply because of the energy and intention I brought into the experience, the willingness I was to experience it fully... which I admit two and half years ago when I gave birth, I was scared, I dissociated at times, and I feel like birth has much much more to teach me in this lifetime... Life's medicine comes in many forms... and simply giving birth, getting through it, does not equate meeting it deeply. the willingness to meet life fully and deeply is where the alchemy lies. Birth is simply such an intense catalyst and *opportunity* to go deep, but it's not the only path... also it does unsettle me in ways to know how motherhood is paraded like any other aesthetic or costume in our world today.. another reflection of performative superficiality which saddens me. This is our life! 🩷🩷 love as always

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Gorgeous, potent observations, words, and experiences, Holly. I will keep rereading this comment for days to come. Your wisdom is one for us to learn from 💕 Thank you for sharing

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